Rewatch the workshop: Prevention of railway suicide

DRISP, DSB, Banedanmark, Livslinien, and University of Copenhagen.

Recorded the Nov 2, 2020
Time: 10.00-14.45

Welcome by Prof. Merete Nordentoft and Nils la Cour (7 min)

Opening speech
by Danish Minister for Transport, Benny Engelbrecht (14 min)

Suicide by railway in Denmark by Christian Ørbæk Larsen, Banedanmark (3,5 min)

Prevention of suicide by railway: an overview by Annette Erlangsen PhD, DRISP (23 min)

How does railway suicides affect train drivers? Tommy Damstedt Jørgensen, Peer supporter, Danish Railways (15 min)

LiDAR technology for surveying train platforms by Mark Bouldin, Hitachi, United Kingdom (37 min)

Factors deterring and prompting the decision to attempt suicide on the railway networks by Lisa Marzano PhD, Department of Psychology, Middlesex University London, UK (40 min)

Suicide Prevention on the Dutch Railways: moving beyond physical and organisational barriers by Roald van der Valk, ProRail Safety and Security, The Netherlands (27 min)

Suicide in the transport system in Sweden by Anna-Lena Andersson PhD, Swedish Transport Administration. (23 min)

PANEL DISCUSSION with directors of the Danish Railways and political spokespersons (7 min)