App for people with self-harm – MYPLAN Zero Self-Harm

Some people intentionally harm themselves to relieve mental pain. It may be difficult to stop this behavior once it has been initiated. There are, unfortunately, few treatment options for people with self-harm. One recommended approach is to develop strategies in the form of a safety plan, which can be activated if the urge for self-harm … Continue reading “App for people with self-harm – MYPLAN Zero Self-Harm”

MYPLAN – a self-help tool for management of crisis

People who have had a suicide attempt have a significantly higher risk of repeated suicidal behaviour. MYPLAN was created with the intention of being a self-help tool for management of suicidal crisis. This project consists of 1) a qualitative study of stakeholders on improvements to MYPLAN; 2) a randomized clinical trial to evaluate MYPLAN’s efficacy in reducing suicide intent among … Continue reading “MYPLAN – a self-help tool for management of crisis”

Michella Heinrichsen, Cand.Scient.San.Publ

Position: Data manager, research assistant Education: Public Health Science (cand. Scient. San. publ.) E-mail: Phone: +45 23 11 49 83 Area of research I am especially interested in digital interventions and epidemiological studies of clinical and register-based data. Research projectI am currently working on the effect evaluation of an app-based safety plan, MYPLAN app.In near … Continue reading “Michella Heinrichsen, Cand.Scient.San.Publ”

Anette Juel Kynde, Post.Doc

Position: Post.Doc Education: MScN Mobil / Cell (+45) 23 88 59 99E-mail:​​ Profile at ​​ResearchGate: Research interestsI am interested in qualitative research methods, user involvement, caregiver research, and intervention research. In my PhD project, I contributed to the development of a website with psychoeducation to support parents of children with suicidal behavior. I am … Continue reading “Anette Juel Kynde, Post.Doc”

Kate Andreasson Aamund. PhD

Position: MD, head of the research collaboration, senior researcher, principal investigator Education: Cand. med Mobil / Cell (+45) 38 64 30 24E-mail: ​​ResearchGate profile Research interests Suicide prevention, affective disorders (treatment resistant depression), psychometrics, and randomized clinical trials. Publicat​ions Andreasson, K, Krogh, J, Bech, P, Frandsen, H, Buus, N, Stanley, B, Kerkhof, A, Nordentoft, … Continue reading “Kate Andreasson Aamund. PhD”

Jette Louise Skovgaard Larsen.

Position: ph.d student / tech- developer Education: Cand. scient. soc Mobil / Cell (+45) 22 43 77 28E-mail: Profil på ​​ResearchGate: Research interest I am broadly interested in health technology implemented in the field psychiatry. Developing electronic tools that people find useful is my motivation. I have a particular focus on innovative way … Continue reading “Jette Louise Skovgaard Larsen.”

Charlotte Mühlmann. PhD

Position: Post doc researcher Education: MSc in Psychology Mobil / Cell (+45) E-mail: Profil på ​​ResearchGate​_Muehlmann2​ Research interests In the Self-help Online against Suicidal thoughts (SOS) trial, we examined the effect of an internet-based therapy program ( and found the program to be effective in lowering suicidal ideation. In the MyPlan project, we investigate the … Continue reading “Charlotte Mühlmann. PhD”


2017 Andreasson, K; Krogh, J; Bech, P; Frandsen, H; Buus, N; Stanley, B; Kerkhof, A; Nordentoft, M; Erlangsen, A. (2017) MYPLAN –mobile phone application to manage crisis of persons at risk of suicide: a multi-center, randomized clinical trial. Trials Erlangsen A,  Runeson B, Bolton JM, Wilcox HC, Forman LJ, Krogh J, Shear MK, Nordentoft M, … Continue reading “Publications”