Malene Eiberg Holm, PhD student

Position:PhD Student

Education: Post-Graduate Mental Health Nurse & MScN

Curriculum Vitae

Mobile: (+45) 40 54 55 20


Area of research
Self-harming and suicidal behavior among adolescents and younger adults on social media.

In my Ph.D. project, funded by The Novo Nordisk Foundation, I study self-harming and suicidal behavior among young and younger adults on social media. This is done through a systematic review and subsequent development and pilot testing of a validated questionnaire, so that we can get an insight as to how young and younger adults use social media as part of self-harming and/or suicidal behavior.

Danish Research Institute for Suicide Prevention – DRISP
Psychiatric Centre North Zealand
Dyrehavevej 48
DK-3400 Hillerød