Liv Mathilde Pampiri, Msc.Stud.San.Publ

Position: Research year student

Education: Science of Public Health (cand. Scient. San. publ.)


Phone: +45 61 69 99 43

Area of research

Children with frequent pain and their increased risk of suicidal behavior.

Research project

In my collaboration for my thesis with DRISP, I investigate the association between frequent pain in children at the age of 11 and the risk of suicidal behavior at the age of 18. Frequent pain includes headaches, stomachaches, as well as pain in the neck and back. The research is based on self-reported data from The Danish National Birth Cohort and data from Danish registries. It’s part of the Young People’s Risk of Suicide Attempt (YRSA) project.

Danish Research Institute for Suicide Prevention
Forskningsheden, Psykiatrisk Center København
Kildegaardsvej 28, Opg. 15, 4. sal
DK-2900 Hellerup