Position: Master of science
Education: Cand. soc
Mobil / Cell (+45) 45 20 44 96 55
E-mail: evelyn.mejia.guerrero@regionh.dk
Research interest
Non-suicidal self-injury, eHealth tools, such as smartphone apps for suicide prevention.
Zero Self-harm is a randomized clinical trial in Denmark which aims to investigate whether the app Zero Self-harm for people over the age of 18 with non-suicidal self-injury, when compared to treatment as usual, is linked to:
1) reductions in the frequency of NSSI-episodes.
2) fewer escalations of NSSI.
3) reductions in the occurrence of suicide ideation and depressive symptoms reductions.
Danish Research Institute for Suicide Prevention – DRISP
Forskningsheden, Psykiatrisk Center København
Kildegaardsvej 28, Opg. 15, 4. sal
DK-2900 Hellerup