Position: Master student
Education: Master in psychology (cand. psych.)
E-mail: emma.orstavik@gmail.com
Phone: +47 46 05 02 08
Area of research
Body dissatisfaction among children and the development of suicidal ideation and suicide behavior in adolescents.
Research project
I am examining the association between body dissatisfaction of children at the age of 11 and the risk of suicidal ideation and suicide attempts at the age of 18. The project is conducted using self-reported data from the Danish National Birth Cohort and data from Danish registries. I am using this project for my Master thesis.
Dansk Forskningsinstitut for Selvmordsforebyggelse
Forskningsheden, Psykiatrisk Center København
Kildegaardsvej 28, Opg. 15, 4. sal
DK-2900 Hellerup