Eybjørg A Heygum Egilsdóttir

Position: Project leader

Education: MHS

Mobil / Cell (+45) 21 17 23 50
E-mail: eybjoerg.egilsdottir@regionh.dk

Research interests:
PROJECT SAFE – Improving procedures for discharge from psychiatric inpatient facilities.

In the SAFE project we will implement three procedures
Introduction of outpatient staff face -to face before discharge (This will be implemented to reduce the insecurity connected with the period after discharge). 
Involvement of relatives (This will be implemented to involve the relatives as important informants, and also as supporters for the patient). 
Home visits during first week after discharge (This will be implemented to evaluate the patients ´situation after discharge, e.g. possible stressors, and to monitor the plans for follow-up, re-evaluate the risk of suicide and to review the crisis plan).

The procedures will be implemented in all outpatient facilities in Mental Health Care Center Copenhagen. A total of 16 employees will ensure that the procedures are implemented and documented in all out-patients facilities.

The project started October 2017

Dansk Forskningsinstitut for Selvmordsforebyggelse
Forskningsheden, Psykiatrisk Center København
Gentofte Hospitalsvej 15, 4. sal
DK-2900 Hellerup